terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2015



I am Miss.Elizabeth  and  I am 19 years old orphan  and the daughter of the former president of Cocoa farmers association of Ivory Coast,
Currently I have left the university campus where i was studying Medicine because of threats to my life as my father was a big Financier
to the former outsted President  Laurent Gbagbo who is now in prison in Hague for war crime  offences.

I have a sum of $7.8 Million USD to be  retrieved from a bank which my late father who died during the cvil war of the Ivory Coast presidential elections deposited but registered on my behalf as the only child. I have the documents and I am the next of kin and heir.

I don't,want this fund invested here, please if you can help me kindly email me back for more details.

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.


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